
3.0 Budapest Fringe

(2008. February 13. 15:29)
We are delighted to let everyone know that the festival programme is now available on the website. Time to take out your calendars and fill them with the performances you want to hear, see and feel ...

Registration closed

(2007. December 18. 11:27)
Registration for the 2008 Budapest Fringe Festival closed at midnight on Saturday. During the month-long registration period we received 545 applications, surpassing last year's record breaking 400 by far!!!

Budapest Fringe Festival 3.0

(2007. November 16. 11:28)
The Budapest Spring Festival is continuing its successful series of Fringe festivals between March 28 and March 30 2008 in Buda’s Millenáris and its environs.
Április 1-3.

Szavazás eredménye

Szegedi Miniszínház 1010
Veronilla KisSzínház 797
MintaPinty Zenekar 403
Teatro Surreal 276
Barnabás Fuvolakvintett 227
Átjárók 135
Funktastic 107
Vadrózsák Néptáncegyüttes 94
Petőfi Musical Stúdió 85
Rakéta zenekar 65